Welcome to Catcruising

IMG_638-smallThis website was originally created to chronicle the sailing experiences of Janice & Alan. Our travels actually began in 1996 aboard a 44ft schooner named Prologue. The boat was aptly named as that was just the beginning of our sailing experiences. Unfortunately blogs were pretty non existing in those days and while that 3 year trip was the most interesting and exciting of our adventures this website covers subsequent trips. If you want to read about two relatively inexperienced sailors traveling about 10,000 miles and visiting over 20 countries you can read all about it in Janice’s book “Stumbling Aboard” (now in e-book and paperback).

                                                                        Amazon link.

Janice also has a website at https://jjkay.net . Our cruising days pretty much ended when we sold our catamaran and the subsequent blog is mostly personal stuff and wouldn’t be interesting to the general public. For those interested in sailing and travel I suggest you stick to the menu item  “Travel Blog” found towards the top of the screen. Feel free however to explore the entire site. Any comments would be appreciated.