We made it to Chesapeake

Chesapeake, VA that is. We’re still about 12 miles from the mouth of Chesapeake Bay.

We’re at a free dock just north of the “Great Bridge”. We’re just south of the “Great Lock”, which we’ll lock through tomorrow AM.

We just got back from a shopping trip. Walked about a mile to a shopping center and stocked up on toilet paper and dog food. Can never have enough of either.

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4 Responses to We made it to Chesapeake

  1. Jane and Larry says:


    We do like the WaWa convenience stores when we drive up that way.

    We especially love the ESVA (Eastern Shore of Virginia) not only because it’s rural but because artists have congregated in the VA towns there. Onancock for one is a dog-friendly town that also has its own marina. We got take-out food from a restaurant and ate with Freckles on a picnic bench at the marina but there are also outdoor cafes where we could sit and eat with him. Enjoy!


  2. Eileen says:

    Hi friends, glad you made it safely, sounds like quite an adventure. We’re still in Europe now in Nijmegen Netherlands. Fly home soon and will write more

  3. Marshall says:

    Alan, Congratulations! Hope the remainder of your cruise goes well!

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